How to make the most out of a skin clinic consultation

Your first visit to a skin clinic is vitally important. It’s your chance to ask any questions that you have about your upcoming skin treatment and get a better idea of what your chosen clinic is like.

A skin care consultation involves discussing all of your skincare concerns, desires, and what you hope to get out of the treatment process.

If you merely have an outcome in mind and don’t mind how you get there, many clients are simply looking to achieve a more youthful appearance, a skincare practitioner will use this consultation to identify the best treatment for you.

Proper preparation at this stage will make the whole process a lot more straightforward so it is important to go-into your consultation well-prepared and understanding what you are looking to get out of it.

Follow this guide and you will be one step ahead of the game going into your skin clinic consultation.

forehead injection

Step 1: Identify your goals

If you don’t know exactly what treatment you want just yet, that’s fine, but if you don’t know what you are looking to achieve, it will be difficult for even the most highly trained healthcare professional to assist you.

Before your consultation, take some time to workout exactly what it is that your biggest skin concerns are.

No matter if it is wrinkles around the eyes, lines on the forehead, or a loss of volume in the lips, a clear understanding of what you want will ensure that the time you spend with your skincare expert is more productive by far.

Step 2: Write down a list of questions

We’re sure you have plenty of questions you want to ask your skin care clinician during your consultation. At we encourage our clients to ask as many questions as they can during these initial appointments.

It not only reassures them and give them peace of mind but also allows us to create a tailored treatment plan more aligned with their needs.

Try to write down a list of questions you have regarding the process itself, the results to expect, the side effects that are likely and anything else that comes to mind.

You know how it is, don’t write them down and you’ll arrive at your appointment only for your mind to go blank.

Step 3: Revise your medical history

Any skin care expert worth their salt will want to know extensive details about your medical history before agreeing to treat you.

Take a look through your medical records and remind yourself of any details that may be useful. Skin related issues are most likely to be relevant, for obvious reasons, but other health concerns such as an allergy to anaesthetic are also important to know.

Step 4: Take a notepad

Taking a notepad with you to your consultation will allow you to note down any key information you don’t want to forget. Many people these days choose to take notes on their phone, its entirely up to you.